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One to One Coaching

Being a woman in the workplace

As a woman, you’ll be used to coping with a multitude of workplace challenges such as dealing with a difficult boss, struggling to maintain your credibility, or feeling self-doubt when you compare yourself to other women in leadership roles. 

The list is endless and if you don't have the support you need in the workplace, where do you go for unbiased help and individual support?

How I can help 


As an Executive and Leadership Coach, I help women like you work through these and many other common issues. I'll support you to take a more in-depth look at where you are right now, your main leadership challenges, help you to work out what you really want, and support you to take action to achieve it.

Leading isn’t just about managing projects, it’s about people. The people you work with and the people you’re leading.

So it makes sense to get to know yourself, when you’re at your best, what your keys qualities and styles are, so that you can ensure you lead in the most effective way for you.

My Programmes

Next Level Leadership Transformation Programme

The Next Level Leadership Transformation Coaching Programme combines individual coaching time with specific learning modules and guidance to help you apply your learning right away.

The Programme is for you if you want to:

➜ Stop feeling like a failure when you compare yourself to other women in leadership roles

➜ Become a leader and fully play to your strengths

➜ Stop feeling like a fraud when you think about stepping into a new leadership role

➜ Feel confident and credible when working with senior staff or when taking on new projects

➜ Discover your own personal leadership style

➜ Develop confidence in your abilities without feeling intimidated by others


This programme comes with intensive and focused direction to help achieve the goals you currently have and start to work towards setting new ones. 


The Next Level Programme takes place over 12 months and in that time you'll:

✔️ Gain an increased knowledge of yourself, what you're good at and how you make decisions

✔️ Learn the tools and strategies that work for best for you to lead in a way that fits who you are

✔️ Feel confident in challenging situations when managing difficult situations or conflict in your teams

✔️Understand what’s holding you back and develop clarity about what you want for your career

✔️Learn how to deal with difficult situations when they arise

✔️Understand your strengths and know how to play to them in an authentic way that works for you.


​Ultimately, this is programme is for you if deep down, you know you can become a leader with influence and impact.  


A leader with heart.  A leader with compassion and kindness who manages her career, her projects, her team and her boss effectively without losing herself in the process. 


Above all a leader who feels fulfilled and brings her whole self to how she leads. 

Next Level Leadership Strategy Day

If you want to take a comprehensive look at your career and leadership quickly and come up with an immediate plan of action, then a bespoke Next Level Leadership Strategy Day is your best option. 


This is a full day where we’ll spend time together to clarify your leadership vision and build the foundations to help you achieve your goals and dreams. This will include:

 Identifying your core values and your reason why

➜ working out your strongest skills; what youre good at and like doing

➜ Learning what's undermining your confidence and getting in the way of your success


We’ll also work through your most pressing leadership challenges, such as setting and maintaining boundaries, building a collaborative and effective team, dealing with conflict, coping with negativity and toxicity in the workforce, measuring and managing performance or providing constructive feedback.


Together we'll then determine the strategies you can put in place that will help you deal with them right away. 

At the end of your strategy day, you'll leave with: 

✔️A clear plan of action based on your strengths and expertise that you can easily implement.

✔️A workbook that has been designed specifically to capture your learning and insights 

✔️A further 60-minute follow up session included, allowing you to track progress reflect on your learning.


Strategy Days take place in Central London or virtually via Zoom and I have availability for one strategy day per month.

What people say...

Working through the Mentoring Workbook with Jackie in the way we did was a great experience for me. Jackie’s guided visualisation exercise was particularly powerful & got me right back on track with my intentions.

Completing the workbook in my own time & then coming back to discuss it really gave me time to think things through, and resolve some unanswered questions that had popped up during the process.

The fact I can go back to the workbook & reflect on things in the future is going to be hugely beneficial. Then I can track progress or simply remind myself where I was, where I am now & whether I’m reaching my goals. It’s like my very own Haynes manual!

- Lynne Buttercase , Senior Programme Manager: Scotland

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