What does leadership mean to you?
As a leader, a pivotal part of your role is to inspire the people around you to challenge themselves, to build assurance and self-belief, to learn from failure and to achieve the success you desire.
As their leader, you are their role model, their inspiration and motivation. You will be the one to show them the way, by doing it yourself.
Moreover, women in leadership roles serve as role models and inspiration for younger generations.
It sounds good…but all of this can feel overwhelming, can’t it?
Most of the time you just want to feel proud of your achievements without feeling burnt-out.
You also want to stop feeling like you need to be perfect all the time.
And you definitely want to stop feeling like an imposter at work, especially when it comes to taking on new roles or projects.
Deep down you want to be a leader who feels fulfilled in the career you’ve chosen.
Unfortunately, when you’re feeling at odds in your role or even stuck where you are, then there aren’t many places you can go for impartial help and expertise.
Because leadership isn’t something that you’re ever taught in the workplace, and you mostly learn through trial and error and by making mistakes.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
In this blog, I’ll be sharing the 5 key things you can put in place to give you confidence and belief that you’re doing the right thing and making the right leadership choices for yourself.
Leadership starts with you!
When people think about leadership, they think of influence, guidance and power, but essentially effective leadership starts with you in a way that feels right for you.
You can’t lead in a way that goes against who you are, your values and principles.
What commonly happens is you underestimate the expertise, knowledge, power and impact you have right now.
You don’t recognise that you already have the skills, experience and ability to step into any leadership role.
You forget how much of a leader you actually are.
As women, we are not only leading in the workplace; we are also leading at home, supporting our partners, families, children, raising the next generation, as well as holding the emotional load.
You are leading your own life every minute of every day. You just don’t always acknowledge it as such.
Why is powerful female leadership so important?
No matter where you are in your leadership journey or how difficult you are finding it, what you are experiencing is normal, we all go through it.
One of the biggest things I learned is that leading is primarily about people. At least 80% of your leadership success is based on your ability to deal with people.
So, it makes sense to work out where and when you’re at your best, so you can make the most of your skills and those of the people you’re leading.
Trusting yourself is key
The one thing that is at the heart of every successful female leader is that they trust themselves, their intuition, their knowledge, their skills and their values.
They feel assured with where they are and how they lead others, as well as how they lead themselves.
They know deep down they are on the right path and act accordingly.
So, how do you get started on working out how to be the leader you want to be, and more importantly, how to discover ways that work for you that will enhance your leadership?
5 Steps to Powerful Leadership
1. Know what you want and why: Believe in something and get passionate about it
2. Know yourself: Understand your core values, your strongest skills, your inner strengths and the main limiting beliefs voices that are holding you back.
3. Believe in yourself: Trust in yourself, your abilities and what you have to offer
4. Make a commitment: The commitment you are making to yourself and your future
5. Take action: Regularly and consistently. Then review, reset and act again
Powerful female leadership is attainable for everyone!
Leadership is continuous journey of growth and self-development, and your unique perspectives and strengths are valuable assets.
By understanding what it means to you, you can more easily make a positive impact, for you, your team and inspire others to do the same.
Every challenge you overcome and every success you achieve paves the way for future generations of women leaders.
You just have to believe in your ability to inspire, uplift and make a difference!
Are you ready to take the steps towards powerful leadership?
My Next Level Leadership Coaching Programme will empower you to recognise and harness your skills and abilities and build the confidence you are looking for to make a lasting impact as a female leader.
Don't let self-doubt hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
Get in touch now to start your journey towards becoming the powerful leader you were meant to be.